Fast forward to Saturday morning after breakfast...
Mr H: We should try to switch the living room around like you suggested.
Mrs. H: Sure if you want to...
Living room switched, discussion on whether to paint the entertainment center white or not gets heated and Mr. H watches a movie.
Movie ends.
Mr. H: Lets go to Ikea and check out that rug and get some ideas.
Ikea trip with lots of "no way" looks at my suggestions ;P
Saturday ends with a lovely dinner at the yummy Koto's in Tampa followed by the best cupcakes EVER from Frostings Etc.
Sunday AM rolls around.
Mr. H: How long would it take to repaint my office?
Mrs. H: All day, we'd have to prime and do 2 coats since it's a dark color.
Mr. H: Ugh, thats too long.
Mr. H: Lets do it.
A trip to Orange is taken and the rest of the day is spent painting and moving furniture.
So much for no D&R this weekend Mr. H :P
Oh and thats not half of it. See Mr. H not only wanted to paint his office but he wanted to switch rooms so... His office got moved into my dressing room, i'm moving the music/art room to his old office and then my dressing room into the old music/art room. WOAH thats a lot of moving.
Did I mention all the rooms have to be repainted...
OK I'm off to put a second coat on the walls.
And because I feel no post should be without a photo.
Here are some curtain ideas for Corey's studio.

Y'all are crazy.