December 15, 2010

long time no blog

I'm a bad, bad, bad blogger. I hope you'll forgive me!

I've got about a billion projects going right now and not a one 100% done. I promise I'll share the details as soon as I finish them!

I did finish 1/2 of the foyer!

(Just ignore that mess in the kitchen :P)

So what do you think? Big improvement right? Lets take a look at the before again...Whoa! Hot mess!

I still need to figure out the purse hanging situation, get a runner, and finish DIYing a light fixture before you can see the other portion. One thing I will say is it's a whole-heck-of-a lot better than the before!

Details on the "stuff"
Paint: Behr Sandstone Cliff
Dresser and Vase: Ashley's Furniture
Bowl: Macys - with cinnamon scented pine-cones!
Mirror: Clearance Target find
The Rest: Homegoods

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