June 07, 2011

dreamy option #1

I'm a logical dreamer, no ridiculous mansions in this post. Just regular old apartments within our price range. 

So open your mind and imagine me working my magic on these stellar places in the South Tampa area.

Alright this is my favorite so far. Seriously this place would be a dreammmm!

This place is a multifamily bungalow, in the perfect area! 1 bedroom, 2 baths and a loft area upstairs. Much smaller than our current place but thats the point of our move, a smaller more affordable place in the fancy part of town! :P

How cute is the outside?

A spiral staircase and a decent sized kitchen, yes please?!

 The loft area upstairs, which would be my dressing room office and Mr. H's office.

 Not the best looking kitchen but definitely better than most in the area!

 A small outdoor area too! Perfect for a table and chairs and a grill!

The best part (so Mr. H says) a garage!

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